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Saturday, April 30, 2022

DCUO Power Sets: Munitions DPS and Controller... and The Bomb Queen!

Over the past few months, I've been playing other powersets (that aren't Tanking sets), and have had a blast doing so.  One that I've been particularly enjoying is the munitions powerset.  It's versatile, can inflict good damage if played correctly, and has some great explosions!  

(Greg Deluca's Muni Guide)

Bomb Queen giving the finger! (unattributed)

As part of this powerset guides, I've included guides by Greg Deluca, Obsidian Chill, Sensei Chad, and The Only Gen, so do take a look at the different loadouts and use (or mix & match) what works for you!

(Obsidian Chill's extensive Muni guide)

Sooo... who is the Bomb Queen?  Well, she's a super-villain that specializes in using using bombs and blowing people up!  She's not a Marvel or DC character, but independently published by Image Comics.  She shows a lot more skin than costume (there are some costumes with even less material), and is a lot more libertine that other villains (yeah, she really into some saucy stuff).  Also, the damage and injuries are a bit more realistic and graphic - some may find this disturbing, but a nice change from the sanitary "mainstream" comics".  The Bomb Queen is conflicted, but she's evil and enjoys it thoroughly.

(Sensei Chad's Muni Guide)

You may have not read any of her comics, so you can go here to read them in detail.  The first set of adventures were outstanding, the middle set was pretty good, but they eventually ended the series, then tried to bring it back with, well... not a very good "future" story line.  

(The Only Gen's Muni Guide)

I'd certainly recommend a good read of her comics followed by a switch to the munitions power set to get started.  Hoped you liked the quick overview and see you in world!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

DCUO Power sets: Fire DPS & Tanking (... and Starfire)!


Taking a break after the Valentine and St. Patrick's Day events, so I figured I'd add a quick entry to the DCUO Power Guides, specifically the Fire Powerset.  One of my favorites to play, it is actually pretty easy (only Ice is easier, imo).

Obsidian Chill's In-Depth Fire Powerset Review - A "must read"!

As Fire is my powerset, I'm always experimenting with it, trying to maximize combinations that provide the maximum damage for whatever situation I'm fighting.  I prefer to DPS, but as I said earlier, Tanking is pretty easy - just watch your health when you're doing that.

As one of the "free" powers, I'd certainly recommend it as a fun starter power.  After a bit you may look at changing, but for me it provides a good combination of melee and ranged loadout that is fun to run.

Another Obsidian Chill Fire Guide!

As you might have guessed, Star asked if I'd add her as the "Poster Girl" for this power set.  With brains, beauty, and brawn (and saucy, depending on the version you're following), she's a blast to be with (figuratively, not literally).  Heck, the last time I saw her, we had a great time together!  

We all had a good time - we meaning the Titans without Robin, who had an attitude and went crying to the Batcave about something.  Cyborg, Beast Boy, Star, and Raven (for a while) played cards, watched TV, and I did my usual mixology magic, with Star showing me a few new twists - and the only one who could keep up with my drinking - great gal!

iEddy Gaming's Guide to his Fire DPS Loadout & Rotation

One of the things that most guys like about her, aside from her sense of humor, is the fact her costumes tend to be on the skimpier side... when she's actually wearing something.  I haven't see her "au-natural" myself, but a good source (ok, I'm ratting you out, Beast Boy), told me she sometimes just walks around semi-dressed around the Titan's Tower.  That tends to piss off Robin, but to quote BB, "Who cares!  What's he going to do about it?  Throw a batarang at you?  If it's her planet's custom to walk around naked, I don't want to offend her!"... followed by snickering (lol)!

He said she's often just lounging around if she's not doing something on Titan's island, so if you ever happen to make it to the island, don't be surprised at what you see (or don't see... her wearing) while she's relaxing by the pool.

DCUO: Fire's Mass Detonation and Fireburst OP!, 
by Darkwraith Knight

Well... it looks like Star is calling and sent this pix (below)... something about checking out my staff, so I'm sure she means my "Staff of Lucifer" (HEH)!  I can't keep a lady waiting, so I gotta go, and I'll catch up with you all later!