
Top Metahuman Blogs I read...

Sunday, September 29, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Munitions Controller / DPS Loadout (and the Ravager!)

Still in the midst of re-working parts of the blog and realized that I still had a few more load outs to go to finish up the initial DCUO power set loadout listing!  So... continuing on with the last three, I'm adding the Munitions controller power set to the mix.  It's a set that I toyed with briefly and will likely return to at some point in the future.  A good controller power set that has seen its share of "fixes" by DCUO (e.g. they reduced its effectiveness), I'm waiting for them to eventually return and fix this power set.  Lots of fun and guns, as explained in detail by Mr. Hesy below...

For the "Femme of the topic", I've added the Ravager (aka, Rose Wilson), a lesser known character, and the daughter of Deathstroke the assassin.  Not a bad character per-se, but a bit lazy in character development, as she just comes of as a younger Deathstroke clone, down the the eye patch and color scheme.  Her character could be done better, but with the sad state of comics, I expect no better... unfortunately.  

I decided to add a "newer" review, as Mr. Obsidian Chill's "In-Depth" guide is from 2018 (e.g. last year), but I've also listed it below for reference purposes. 

I do have an affinity for munitions (after quantum), so it's worth a look if you want to indulge in your fire-arms superhero/super-heroine fantasies!  See you in-world!

The Ravager, (unattributed) DC Comics

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How to get free materials (2019)!

Welp, been busy with work and other RL issues, but in the process of polishing up the blog a bit, including a power set listing of links, and some other things.  However, I felt a bit guilty about not posting in a bit, so I've added today's "How to get materials for free" (by the always impressive Mr. Multiverse)... as everyone has heard a ton of beggars in-world asking for free stuff.  Its a start, so if you want something for free, please start below!  See you in-world!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

DCUO Monsters of Metal (MOM) Last Boss Mechanics Guide

Ran the Monsters of Metal last night, and it was a bit frustrating to fight off the last boss almost by myself while others kept walking around in circiles.  Mr. Geoforcee100 has provided a quick narrative... one person gets the "alloy" from the barrel, walks it part-ways to the target (where Superman and Batman are tied up), then has to transfer it to another team member.  As the 2nd team member walks with the item towards the target, they will get slower.  Finally, when the 2nd person arrives at the target, they'll have to "deliver" the item to close the portal.  If you don't close the portal, more jerks (like Red Death and those annoying Robins) pop out and pester you mercilessly.  Just sayin' - catch up with the events on YouTube before you go into the events is always helpful!  See you in-world!

Friday, September 20, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Celestial Healer and DPS Power Set (and Raven - again)!

Continuing on with the overview of powersets, Celestial is a power that I see on occasion in raids and alerts, and its popularity seems to be growing (imo).  Again, I prefer tanks, but I've decided to branch out to other powers, and preferably ones with good graphics (e.g. Quantum, Water).  

Still trying to decide upon changing a toon to Celestial, but if you are on the fence, do consider a quick watch of Obsidian Chill's overview!

Raven, by AleBorgo

(Yeah, I know I used Raven two times in a row, but find a good icon for both mental and sorcery was a challenge... so I took the easy way out!  See you in world!)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Mental Power Set (and Raven!)

As I fight off the travails of RL (especially after a very appropriate Friday the 13th), I'm back to post, including the latest of my post (via Obsidian Chill) on DCUO Power Sets!  Today's offering is the Mental power set.  Not a flashy as other powers, as of this writing it is still effective as a DPS (though not as much as a controller set).  Worth a try, so watch the video below, and consider a mental mind set...

Didn't really think of Raven as a "mental" character, but more of a "magic" character.  That being said, I ran with Obsidian Chill's intro with Raven, and posted her as the "face" of mental powers... see you in-world!

Monday, September 9, 2019

How to level up fast (from CR 1 through CR 30), by Multiverse

As I'm waiting for the newest Episode to land this Thursday, I've been working on some of my lower level characters.  Have on which is currently at CR 100, with about 75 skill points, so needless to say, I have a bit of work on this toon.  However, Multiverse has a nice set of tutorials on "how to level up fast", including with the initial start of a character, as well as a plethora of videos on how to improve your CR quickly as his YouTube site.

As a side note, Multiverse has a really deep collection of DCUO videos and narratives, so do consider visiting his main YouTube page for a vast quantity of DCUO reviews, superhero costume guides, walk-through and an amazing quantity of other DCUO topics! 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

DCUO Test: Dark Knight's Metal, Part 1 (Monsters of Metal 8 player raid - regular)

Just a quick entry, as real life (rl) has been busy with guests!  A quick review / peek of the upcoming "Monsters of Metal" raid coming this September 12th!  Looking forward to some new solos/alerts/duos/raids!  See you in-world!

Monday, September 2, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Electricity Powerset (DPS/Healer) and Mary Marvel

Time for a new power set post!  Electricity seems to be op (over powered) at the moment, but I have no qualms with that as it is one of the most graphically appealing powers in the DCUO (in my opinion).  That being said, Obsidian Chill's In-depth electric guide is posted below!

Personally, I don't really DPS much - I tend to be a bit squishy when I do (hence, why I tank/battle tank).  Still, as the DCUO is a graphic medium, I enjoy seeing good graphics.  Electricity had plenty of those great graphics, and having an electric healer is always a bonus in any alert/raid.  If so inclined, so give electricity a try - and I'll see you in-world!