
Top Metahuman Blogs I read...

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

DCUO News: Episode 40 will be free and possible membership changes


A quick update on the upcoming Episode 40 changes (spoiler - free for all), and a mysterious update to memberships, by Dackman.  Looking forward to (eventually) finding out what will change for paying members... see you in-world.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Battle Troll Loadout


Wasp Giantess Problems, RealRavenRavenRaven

A quick add for a new type of loadout, a "Battle Troll"... which I've heard of but haven't used (via Mr. Obsidian Chill).  I'll have to test it out on some of my trolls, see how it works out, but for now, please enjoy... see you in-world.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

DCUO: St. Patrick's Day Seasonal Preview (New Styles and Base Items)


Zatanna, by Jeffach

I am back!  Had to take a hiatus from blogging for personal reasons, as well as the DCUO doldrums (re-hashed seasonal events - Christmas seasonal, Valentine's Day Seasonal, Anniversary / Monitor event).  Soo.. now with those over, a few things of note...

1) Event items!  If you like having a "manly" hideout, make sure you get your bars and Celtic guy art work during this seasonal.  As Obsidian Chill points out, there are only two new feats, so you can burn the rest of your clovers on bar-ware.

2) Races!  If you have changed movement modes, take advantage on the new races.

I'm not overly impressed with the new styles, but if you have an Irish/Celtic based character, or just a mischievous one, grab your materials / garb / etc... while you can!