
Top Metahuman Blogs I read...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The disappointing last week of 2019 in the DCUO

Just a quick post to remind everyone about the disappointing last week of 2019.  Though it is "Bonus Currency" weekend, it only applies to Chaos Gotham and Metal Gotham (Metal I) events... not the current mediocre Thanagar (Metal II) event.  This disappointment is on top of the lack of a "Day After Christmas" sale, which used to be a thing (e.g. 2018, 2017, 2016, etc...) but not anymore.  I'm getting the feeling they are in the process of being "penny wise and pound foolish", as a number of individuals who want to burn real cash on virtual goods appear to have changed their minds and will keep their money in their wallet (or purse, as the case may be).  This, in conjunction with the new mediocre Booster bundle, has me thinking that DCUO is having some issues.  I'll delve into that more in future entries, but for now I'm hoping there might be something coming for the new year (hell, I'd even take Three Kings day for a sale), but as of not, not encouraged with the company's direction.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The new Booster bundle for December, 2019 (reviewed)

Batman, by Ex-Trident

Posting a quick review on the newest Booster bundle, which honestly seems a bit underwhelming (imo).  I've been busy with the Christmas holidays, as the current episode (Metal II) has been quick and boring.  I'm looking forward to the Monitor season in January, but it would be nice if DCUO upped their game a bit (e.g. new content for the seasons, new worlds, what not...).  This game engine is almost a decade old, and it is showing.  I'll still play, but until the company gets away from quick cash-grabs, and produces better in-world episodes (again, Metal II as the latest example), I'm just hanging out doing dailies.

Booster bundle review by Mr. Multiverse (above)

Booster bundle review by Mr. Dackman

I'm not one of those "DCUO is dead" guys, but one has to think of the hours invested in a game that seems to be on the later years of its use arc.  Well, at least the broker is working, so there is that... see you in-world!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wonder Woman 1984 - Watch the trailer!

It goes without saying that I would need to post on the more successful DC cinematic franchises of the last few years!  Saw the new trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 and thought it was outstanding!  I do have a few minor quibbles (e.g. the "flying on lightening bolts", and some other minor issues), but love the fact its in the 1980's, what looks like some great superhero special effects... and what looks like some good comedy thrown in as well!  Looks like a winner - we'll see if any future DC movies can match up to it!  See you in-world...

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

DCUO and FREE GUY, the Movie! (Which is just like DCUO...)

KenpudioCustom Wavegirl, by Kenpudiosaki

Came across a trailer for FREE GUY, while looking at another trailer... and once I saw it, it screamed DCUO!  Its a comedy with Ryan Reynolds, but trust me, you'll really enjoy it, especially if the movie is as good as the below trailer.  Back to grinding, and see you in-world! 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

DCUO Episode 36: Batscape Duo, Damage Control Alert, The Phoenix Raid, and Into The Dark Multiverse overviews!

Well, Episode 36 is in full swing and a quick overview of the duo, alert, and raids are certainly in order.  I will admit that I have not run them as of posting this entry, but I am hopeful they are a bit more enjoyable than Episode 35's selection (I really disliked the raid, frankly).  Still, knowing what you are headed into is always a plus, including knowing what the boss mechanics are involved with the bosses. 

(The two player duo)

(The four person raid)

(The Phoenix Cannon (eight person))

(Into The Dark Multiverse (eight person))

 A thank you to Obsidian Chill for his hard work in documenting the above work!  If you're so inclined, take a moment to see what is in store when you move beyond the open world... and see you in-world!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

DCUO Episode 36 - Thanagar

Hawkgirl, by Zulubean

Mr. ObsidianChill provides an insightful review of the upcoming DCUO Episode 36, which happens to be set in Thanagar (as opposed to Metal Part II, which I believe will be set in Metropolis).  I'm not a huge Hawkman/girl fan, so I'm not overly familar with that part of the DC mythos, but I'll be happy to move on from Metal Gotham.  Do take a few minutes to watch the open world (and associated rant) - at least it'll be insights to the upcoming episode.  See you in world...

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Black Friday Sale is Finally Here!

And... its finally here.  If you wanted to stock up on DCUO items, this is the perfect weekend for it... as pretty much (almost) everything will be at  half price.  A bit annoying they don't advertise this sale before hand, but as a company I assume they want to maximize their profit... but still, a day or so heads up would be nice.  Nonetheless, take advantage of this weekend to stock up to get all of those items you wanted (with the exclusion of time capsules, stabilizers, and artifact xp).  

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Brief absence for the Thanksgiving Holiday

Attribution - unknown

Headed out for a bit for the Thanksgiving vacation, but will be back! A happy Thanks giving to you... and still, will see you in world!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Your Superhero World: Using Photoshop to make comic book drawings!

Moon Girl fan art, by Gaston25

One of the reasons I started this blog was to keep track of how to work differeing software programs (e.g. Photohshop, Daz 3d... eventually) to make my own works.  For now, I'm doing some PS work with my clunky old copy of PS.  For future reference, there is a way to modify graphics to represent comic book type art... as shown below.  It sounds harder than it looks, but the Photoshop Training Channel has a bunch of great and easy to learn and use Photoshop.  If you're interested, give it a try!

On a different note, I've highlighted the first of work by Gaston25, who has done a great job with providing an overview of classic gold/silver/bronze age characters, but has a line of newer characters as well.  Why mention this - well, his work allows a better selection of classic naming and themes for DCUO gold/silver/bronze age characters (aside from the ton of lazy character names and designs I'm sure every one has seen on DCUO).  On as associated note, Gaston25 also does commissions... good work at a very reasonable price!  So if you want your own personalized super... drop you can contact him at his DA site, located here!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Super Art: Heroes in Flight (Powergirl)

Adding a new series to highlight "superhero" art to the blog... and provide more entries, of course!  At today's initial posting, I've added Powergirl along with a a USMC F-4 Phantom in flight.  Nicely done and one more reason I'm still eyeing diving into DAZ  Studio myself... but for now, please enjoy and see you in-world!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Remembering veterans on Veterans day

Captain American landing at Normandy, (unattributed - for now)

A simple appreciation to those who came before us and set the example for later generations to follow - thank you.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Extra Life Results

Well, a quick update - the Extra Life event has come and gone, and a number of nice gifts were provided to players, including a movement item, wings (for the head and back), and some really nice materials.  Do make a point of logging in to claim them asap!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Extra Life Charity Stream Today!

Today is the DCUO Extra Life charity stream, running from 6am - 10 pm PST (3am - 7pm EST).  but what exactly is Extra Life?  Its an event in which players from around the world raise money to help sick and injured children associated with the Children's Miracle Network Hospital for treatment and care of their maladies.  The goal is to raise $50 million USD today, and there are numerous entities competing to raise money (remember, gamers are competitive)!    Looks like the Magic: Gathering people have donated a ton of coin so far, but it is for a (verified) good cause.  Still, as of this writing, the DCUO has a few donations already, and I'm sure there will be more to come!

Although the DCUO link stated there will be a "... live stream, activities, timing, and rewards...", the DCUO Forums have speculated that it might be some kind of "angelic" give away (based on the graphic displayed above).  To get the participation code, stop by the live stream and they will tell you what the code is.  The "Extra Life" stream is located on Twitch right here.

Still, its a good cause, so at the very least, instead of buying that two liter bottle of Mountain Dew to guzzle down your pie hole during a raid, you might want to donate to the cause instead!  See you in world!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

DCUO Feat-A-Day: Easy Style Guide

Wonder Woman Style, by DESPOP

One of the vexing challenges in the DCUO is ramping up your skill points, attainable from in-world feats.  Some are frankly pretty challenging, but others are rather easy and can be completed quickly.  Mr. Cold Fuzion has a proverbial laundry list of easy feats a new player can complete at his YouTube channel.  I've decided to focus on his "Feat A Day" series, starting with the style feats.  It's quick simple, and if you work at it you can ramp up your toon.  If you're new, give his work a look and see you in-world!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

DCUO: Bonus Catalyst Weekend!

Catwoman 65, by AdamHughes

Caught up with some current rl issues, so a quick post on this weekend's "Bonus Catalyst" event... better than a proverbial "poke in the eye", but not by much.  See you in-world!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What is the best movement mode?

SUPERGIRL, by J-Estacado

Obsidian Chill has a great overview of what is the best movement power... and the short answer (per his analysis) is... Super Speed!  As to the why, you'll need to watch his review, and he basically does an extensive breakdown of each movement mode.  Interestingly, he's not a fan of skimming or flight (for tanking, anyways), but if you're interested in learning about (or changing) your movement mode, do give the work below a few minutes!  See you in-world!

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Batman Who Laughs (full story)

I have to admit that when the new metal series was released, I didn't really have much of an idea of what the Metal Knights or what the Batman Who Laughs was about.  Sooo... I watched Comics Explained outline of the Batman Who Laughs, and was really impressed with the story.  A bit four-color (imo), but still a great story and worth a watch.  Be warned, the story narrative is over an hour long (actually an hour and 23 minutes), but well worth the time.  Just run some lower level episodes, and enjoy the narrative on your second screen.  Until then, I'll see you in-world.

Friday, October 11, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Quantum Controller / DPS loadout (and StarGirl)!

After months of patient readers, the last "in-depth" power set review is here!  Those who are in the know realize I'm a "tank" guy (mostly for stress-relief), but of all the non-tank power sets, quantum is my personal favorite.  Just so happens to be that Mr. Obsidian Chill put out an update power set review earlier this year, which is posted below...

The Quantum power set (at least as of this posting) seems to work well in both aspects (controller and DPS... though I tend to focus on the DPS aspect).  Still, as a "squish" non-tank, you're likely going to focus on ranged attacks (as opposed to melee attacks).  Nonetheless, it is relatively easy to master, has great visual appeal, and is simply fun to play (last part, imo)!  If you're looking for a controller power set to try, I'd recommend giving it a try!

Stargirl - JSA - DC Comics, by FioreSofen

Onto Stargirl... one of the more recent (e.g. 1996) notable super-heroines in the DC Universe.  As the DC Universe has gone through a multitude of continuity changes, it can be challenging to follow her background, but one notable aspect I liked was that she treats being a superhero as a "job", with a public identity (event though she sports a mask), and job responsibilities.  To get a better sense about Stargirl, please visit the comic character wiki, or proceed onto the upcoming television version of Stargirl's wiki!  Do enjoy, and I'll see you in-world!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

DCUO Feats (Halloween Seasonal): 13 Days of Darkness

This is an easy feat - it just takes time to get... specifically 13 days.  All you need to do is find Batwoman 13 times, and you'll get a 50 point feat.  Watched some YouTube videos about it, but they were a bit distracting.  Went to the forums, and found a nice map (courtesy of Jade Rebel), so this the large version of the map for reference purposes.  If you'd like to see the full map, please follow this link to the forums!

As far as Batwoman is concerned, it looks like it is going to be a woke train-wreck, but... we'll see how it pans out.  Best case, it is good, worst case, it'll gather virtual dust on the DC streaming service.  Until then, happy hunting her down, and see you in-world!

Friday, October 4, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Hard Light Controller / DPS loadout (and Green Lantern Ladies)!

Continuing with the DCUO powerset reviews, we're onto Hard Light (aka, Light), a controller set that seems to have lost popularity over the most recent DCUO "upgrades".  I say this as I haven't seen toons with this power as much as I used to, as a couple of years ago.  Still, it's a graphically nice set, even it the "evil / fear" version of it appears to be more popular.  Still, I've posted iEddy Gaming's review of it below....

Light Hearted, by jaycubed

... followed by Obsidian Chill's extensive analysis of the power set.  His work is from last year, but much of his material is still relevant for Hard Light.  Personally, I used it briefly, but it wasn't for me, but if it intrigues you, please give it a try!  See you in-world!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 is online!

Although the blog focuses on DC characters, I couldn't pass up posting a small bit on!  With J.K. Simmons reprising his role as J. Jonah Jameson (from the original Spiderman Triology), it presents "news" about Spiderman (and the Marvel Cinematic Universe), with a dose of tounge-in-cheek humor.  Also, Sony is using the site to address plot hole in the MCU, and even has a little section called "Blip Blog", where people who dissapeard during Thanto's snap have come back and endured a multitude of misadventures, from disloyal spouses using the blip to runaway and start a new life, to stories of insurance fraud!  If you haven't already done so, pay a visit asap!

"It's True - It's All True!!"

Sunday, September 29, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Munitions Controller / DPS Loadout (and the Ravager!)

Still in the midst of re-working parts of the blog and realized that I still had a few more load outs to go to finish up the initial DCUO power set loadout listing!  So... continuing on with the last three, I'm adding the Munitions controller power set to the mix.  It's a set that I toyed with briefly and will likely return to at some point in the future.  A good controller power set that has seen its share of "fixes" by DCUO (e.g. they reduced its effectiveness), I'm waiting for them to eventually return and fix this power set.  Lots of fun and guns, as explained in detail by Mr. Hesy below...

For the "Femme of the topic", I've added the Ravager (aka, Rose Wilson), a lesser known character, and the daughter of Deathstroke the assassin.  Not a bad character per-se, but a bit lazy in character development, as she just comes of as a younger Deathstroke clone, down the the eye patch and color scheme.  Her character could be done better, but with the sad state of comics, I expect no better... unfortunately.  

I decided to add a "newer" review, as Mr. Obsidian Chill's "In-Depth" guide is from 2018 (e.g. last year), but I've also listed it below for reference purposes. 

I do have an affinity for munitions (after quantum), so it's worth a look if you want to indulge in your fire-arms superhero/super-heroine fantasies!  See you in-world!

The Ravager, (unattributed) DC Comics

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How to get free materials (2019)!

Welp, been busy with work and other RL issues, but in the process of polishing up the blog a bit, including a power set listing of links, and some other things.  However, I felt a bit guilty about not posting in a bit, so I've added today's "How to get materials for free" (by the always impressive Mr. Multiverse)... as everyone has heard a ton of beggars in-world asking for free stuff.  Its a start, so if you want something for free, please start below!  See you in-world!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

DCUO Monsters of Metal (MOM) Last Boss Mechanics Guide

Ran the Monsters of Metal last night, and it was a bit frustrating to fight off the last boss almost by myself while others kept walking around in circiles.  Mr. Geoforcee100 has provided a quick narrative... one person gets the "alloy" from the barrel, walks it part-ways to the target (where Superman and Batman are tied up), then has to transfer it to another team member.  As the 2nd team member walks with the item towards the target, they will get slower.  Finally, when the 2nd person arrives at the target, they'll have to "deliver" the item to close the portal.  If you don't close the portal, more jerks (like Red Death and those annoying Robins) pop out and pester you mercilessly.  Just sayin' - catch up with the events on YouTube before you go into the events is always helpful!  See you in-world!

Friday, September 20, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Celestial Healer and DPS Power Set (and Raven - again)!

Continuing on with the overview of powersets, Celestial is a power that I see on occasion in raids and alerts, and its popularity seems to be growing (imo).  Again, I prefer tanks, but I've decided to branch out to other powers, and preferably ones with good graphics (e.g. Quantum, Water).  

Still trying to decide upon changing a toon to Celestial, but if you are on the fence, do consider a quick watch of Obsidian Chill's overview!

Raven, by AleBorgo

(Yeah, I know I used Raven two times in a row, but find a good icon for both mental and sorcery was a challenge... so I took the easy way out!  See you in world!)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Mental Power Set (and Raven!)

As I fight off the travails of RL (especially after a very appropriate Friday the 13th), I'm back to post, including the latest of my post (via Obsidian Chill) on DCUO Power Sets!  Today's offering is the Mental power set.  Not a flashy as other powers, as of this writing it is still effective as a DPS (though not as much as a controller set).  Worth a try, so watch the video below, and consider a mental mind set...

Didn't really think of Raven as a "mental" character, but more of a "magic" character.  That being said, I ran with Obsidian Chill's intro with Raven, and posted her as the "face" of mental powers... see you in-world!

Monday, September 9, 2019

How to level up fast (from CR 1 through CR 30), by Multiverse

As I'm waiting for the newest Episode to land this Thursday, I've been working on some of my lower level characters.  Have on which is currently at CR 100, with about 75 skill points, so needless to say, I have a bit of work on this toon.  However, Multiverse has a nice set of tutorials on "how to level up fast", including with the initial start of a character, as well as a plethora of videos on how to improve your CR quickly as his YouTube site.

As a side note, Multiverse has a really deep collection of DCUO videos and narratives, so do consider visiting his main YouTube page for a vast quantity of DCUO reviews, superhero costume guides, walk-through and an amazing quantity of other DCUO topics! 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

DCUO Test: Dark Knight's Metal, Part 1 (Monsters of Metal 8 player raid - regular)

Just a quick entry, as real life (rl) has been busy with guests!  A quick review / peek of the upcoming "Monsters of Metal" raid coming this September 12th!  Looking forward to some new solos/alerts/duos/raids!  See you in-world!

Monday, September 2, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Electricity Powerset (DPS/Healer) and Mary Marvel

Time for a new power set post!  Electricity seems to be op (over powered) at the moment, but I have no qualms with that as it is one of the most graphically appealing powers in the DCUO (in my opinion).  That being said, Obsidian Chill's In-depth electric guide is posted below!

Personally, I don't really DPS much - I tend to be a bit squishy when I do (hence, why I tank/battle tank).  Still, as the DCUO is a graphic medium, I enjoy seeing good graphics.  Electricity had plenty of those great graphics, and having an electric healer is always a bonus in any alert/raid.  If so inclined, so give electricity a try - and I'll see you in-world!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Super Art: Power Girl: Red Carpet (Jeffach)

This is by far one of my favorite Power Girl photos, especially as it reflects my semi-realistic view of what a superhero's life would be like (were they real).  Granted - PG is on the proverbial red carpet, with her adoring fans... and fans are being fans.  Amazing work by Jeffach, and please consider a visit to his website, which is a treasure trove of great superhero art!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

DCUO: Double Daemohedron Weekend!

Still trying to find attribution for this, but it is supposed to be "Double Daemohedeon" weekend, starting after the server restart, Thursday, 29AUG19.  I'll update as needed, but don't start your dailies yet... at least until after the servers are reset!

Monday, August 26, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Water Powerset (DPS/Healer)

Continuing with the power set reviews, I'm adding the healer power set to the mix!  I'm not a big healer guy, but I do have a toon with water powers.  I do really enjoy the graphics, and at some point I may return to it at some point... but for now, please enjoy OC's in-depth guide!

Actually had someone in-world ask why I have so many female supers, when a male super is better know for a role (e.g. why I went with Mera instead of Aquaman, for example).  Frankly, I prefer to see artwork with nice looking ladies... as opposed to some guy.  So, posted a few of Mera today, and will keep posting on the ladies (and the associated artists).  See you in-world!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Super Art: Red Hood

As part of my "Super Art" series, I'm posting something beyond simple cheesecake... moving forward, I'll post more heroic art, starting with Red Hood!  See you in-world!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

DCUO Episode 5 Preview: Metal Part 1

Batman Who Laughs, by Saint Yak

More on the upcoming Episode 35... the devs have provided a brief (well, 40 minute) introduction to Metal Part 1.  There are some parts of existing open worlds (e.g. a Metal Central City, Metal Tricorner Yards), so there is a bit more to explore in this episode, including a new Metropolis PD station, and overgrown botanical gardens, and more.  I don't usually watch the livestreams, but this one is potentially worth a view.  See you in-world!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Super Art: Man of Steel... and the upcoming "weapons-stats" revamp!

Basically, it looks like prec (precision) is going to be nerfed (reduced in its abilities), and artifacts are going to be raised to rank 200.  For more details of the upcoming changes (currently on the test service), take a listen to OC's bit below...

Friday, August 16, 2019

Super Art: Powergirl, by J-Estacado

Took a bit of a sidestep from the blog, but I'm back and ready to finish the projects which I had started on this particular blog!  A few things moving forward - more artwork (including some saucier graphics), more general DC and comics-related works, and more things to come!  Glad you stopped by, and hope you come back!