
Top Metahuman Blogs I read...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

DC Universe Online Episodes # 35 & 36: Dark Knights Metal

Announced earlier last Friday at ComiCon, the DCUO will release episodes #35 and #36 - Dark Knights Metal.  I won't ruin the surprise about this series (which I was, frankly, unfamiliar with), but Dack Man does a good job of outlining the series (well, reading the forums announcement), which will be out in September.  To learn more, please watch the video below! 

Also, the second episode (#36), will drop in December, so you'll have plenty of time to level up - do enjoy, and see you in world!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Sorcery DPS/Healer and Zatanna!

Continuing on with Obsidian Chill's power set series, I'm highlighting the Sorcery power set this entry.  I've not really played much with sorcery, as I prefer to either tank or straight DPS.  Nonetheless, as a regular tank, I do have an appreciation for good healers, fishing my rear out of "almost" one-shots!  So, here is his post from 2018, which I expect he will update at a later point in time.

However, I've also added one more loadout, a bit more recent, by HavocStormz DCUO.  Not familar with his work, though I'll be following more of his efforts in the future.... 

I hope this helps out those sorcery healers!  See you in-world!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Patriotic Heroes - Patriotika!

Although I'm busy leveling up characters in DC Universe Online, as I was hunting down graphics I came upon Patriotika, an OC (Original Character) from Mount Olympus Comics.  As a kid, one simply enjoyed comics without authors trying to wedge SWJ concepts in every corner of the mag (tossing a bit of shade at Marvel comics).  However, since the 90s, indie comics have more visibility, and with Kickstarter, really good work can come to the forefront... such as Patriotika!

Mount Olympus Comics is a small independent comic line (two comics series), but I'd gather their biggest seller is Patriotika.  Her (the characters's) background / origin is described here, with a whole lot of detail on the first Kickstarter effort, and even more on their current second Kickstarter effort!

Per the second Kickstarter, they are working on their "stretch" goals, which include a plethora of extras, based on donations.  The above image was part of the first effort, with Ms. Cara Nicole (AZ Power Girl) modeling a cosplay version of the heroine.  Patriotika 1 (and 2, when it comes out), are both e-comics (at $4.99 each), but based on the support, one can expect a Patriotika 3 next year!  Well, back to grinding - see you in-world!

(art by "Mr. Sashi" - working on the link to the artist...)

Patriotika color 11x17, by Artdimes

(Please note - this is a re-post from an old blog I was running, and will be discontinuing in the near future!  However, I'll be focusing my efforts on this blog, Patriotic Heroes, and looking forward to more news about Patriotika!)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Changes coming to the blog...

I've decided to make some notable changes to the blog, although it may take a bit to implement all of them.  I've been giving a lot of hard thought to a number of aspects of DCUO, and noted a few things.  First, DCUO Leagues seem to ebb and flow, with periods of high level involvement, then after peaking the membership either leaves (to other leagues, or simply quit the league in question... or the DCUO altogether).  A few leagues are successful in the long-term, with dedicated leagues lasing up to years of play.  I'd gather these would compose of hard-core players (e.g. they spend a lot of time on the DCUO).  For the most part however, DCUO leagues seem to have a sinusoidal curve form... like all curves, there is a climb up, a peak, and a decline.  Based on my own views of the JL Legends league, it seems to be on an unfortunate down-swing, with established members either offline for a good period of time, or members simply departing the league.  Thus, growing a larger audience for the blog will need more than just an attachment to the current league.

Next, I'm looking at growing the blog.  Not for any profit, mind you (blogging isn't profitable, unless you are focusing *all* of your efforts on it - this from experience), but just to have more to discuss past the DCUO.  I like playing DCUO as a casual player, and will continue to have a focus on it, but there is a lot more to the genera than the DCUO.  Exploring past the DCUO boundaries is something I'll be doing with the re-vamped blog, including Marvel work, independent comics, and just OC ("Original Characters") from other sources (see below)...

Also, I intend on adding saucier graphics to the blog.  Just my own bias, but the "superhero" genera has a lot of "idealized" graphics (e.g. superheros don't reflect the "real world"), so I'll be posting more graphics.  Nothing obscene, but I may push some boundaries - just a heads-up.  As such, as there seems to be some ladies in the league, I wouldn't want to offend them, so... yet another reason to re-work the blog.

Finally, I like adding good "superhero" graphics, sometimes just to post good work.  I'm past the "deconstruction" era of comics (though I will post on "The Boys" - probably the ultimate in superhero deconstruction).  Sometimes, old fashion comics are the best... even if they may not make any sense.  Therefore, I'll add more "old school" work to the blog.  Being prior-service, I'll also add more "patriotic" types of work (not specifically US-focused, but patriotic nonetheless).

So, there you go... changes a-coming to the blog.  To recap:

1) Update the blog name and url (reasonably soon), so the blog is somewhat independent,
2) Move coverage beyond the DCUO, to provide a larger base to blog upon,
3) Saucier Graphics (but nothing obscene), so there are more visuals, and finally,
4) More "old school" graphics, for the same reason as #3.

I've already started with the new header... which is, in itself a work-in-progress.  The hardest part will be coming up with a new blog name... it'll take a while but I'll make sure there is a re-direct from there to there.  Thanks again for visiting and hope to see you soon!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Gadgets DPS/Controller, and Batgirl!

Came across Obsidian Chill's "updated" In-Depth Gadget power set overview today, and was heartened as it seems to me there are more Gadget players (mostly DPS, imo) in-world.  Nice to see more, and RP-wise it seems to be a stronger basis for origin stories.   That being said, do enjoy the the updated information!

Batman would seem to be the logical choice for gadgets, but I've always liked the "new" Batgirl character and storyline.  To me, it was refreshing to have a snarky character with a sense of humor, although it does seem they've made changes to her character. 

Selfie, by MaHenBu

 I'll have to go back and look deeper into her character status, but for now, she's the "Poster Girl" for the blog's Gadget power set!  Until later!...

Batgirl and Joker (Instagram-ing), unattributed

Saturday, July 6, 2019

DCUO In-Depth: Rage DPS/Tank (and Furious Super Girl)

Continuing with Obsidian Chill's excellent power set review, I'm at the last of the tanking powers, Rage.  Good graphics, but not a fan of the audio limitation that (used) to impact Rage, it does seem to be a good DPS set.  Worth a watch and perhaps a try - leave him a note, and let him know what you think!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Super Art - Wonder Woman, by Mike Mahle

Still in the process of tweaking the blog, including adding more art, updating the header, and maybe even a url change.  One topic I'll add (as its pretty easy to do), is focusing on "super" artwork.  The first of these is the really nice art-deco work above featuring Wonder Woman.  More to come, so please check back!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Summer Sale (2019), Bonus Currency Weekend, and Stargirl cosplay!

Well, if you have a bit of time this weekend, you're going to be very busy in-world!  Starting off, this weekend is the "Summer Sale", meaning its the usual cacophony of items on sale for a limited time (from the 3rd of July through the 10th of July).  One nice this is power and movement are half price, so if you want to do a bit of readjusting with higher cr toons, this is the perfect opportunity!  So load up your account, and start spending (within reason, of course).

Additionally, it is "Bonus Currency" weekend, meaning that you'll earn double credit when you run the Teen Titans:Judas Contract (Titans Cred) or the Atlantis (Rath Crowns).  So again, if you're looking to scale up some toons, this is the perfect opportunity.  Have to go back in-world, so best of luck out there!

(One last note - Ms. Fiore Sofen is an amazing cos-player from Spain, and has a ton of amazing work on her Deviant Art site.  For more photos of her work (which I will be posting in the future), please consider paying her a visit!)