
Top Metahuman Blogs I read...

Saturday, September 22, 2018

On Hiatus...

Unfortunately, I'm going to go on hiatus for a bit, due to RL issues.  Nonetheless, the blog will be back to its full speed eventually, so I'll catch up with you later!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Double Cred Weekend! (Aug 23-26th)

It was kind of expected that there'd be a double cred weekend at some point, and... its arrived!  I'm confident that there'll be quite a crowd at the top of the Titan's Tower, but its too good of an opportunity to pass up.  See you at the top of the Tower!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Game Update 86 and more on the DC Universe App Demo

Hello again!  Back from RL, and while Update 86 is busy loading (grrrr), I figure I'd post a bit more information on the upcoming DC Universe App.  The YouTube video below outlines the DC Universe App, and I've added a few more links as well:

As far as Game Update 86, the full notes are located here!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Philosophy of the Joker


I often find myself sifting through YouTube for whatnot (currently for American football clips), when I came across an intriguing YT Channel titled "Wisecrack".  This channel meets the intersection of popular culture and philosophy, and has some intriguing analysis of well known shows.  It has a plethora of "Rick and Morty" clips (which are quite intersting), but I really enjoyed "The Philosophy of The Joker" (below).  It delves deep into the Joker's backstory and motivation, and is worth a watch if you wish to know more about the "Clown Prince of Crime"!  Do consider a viewing, and I will see you in-world!

Monday, August 6, 2018

DC Universe Streaming Service coming soon...

While the bulk of the DCUO is involved with the Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (e.g. grinding), the larger DC company has officially announced their DC Universe Streaming service will be up and running this fall!  The DC Universe is planned to be a "one-stop" location for all things DC (per C-net), and they have a list of new shows coming.  In fact, they've released the newest Teen Titans trailer below...

Not sure how I personally feel about this "new, darker" version of Teen Titans (with an "edgier and darker" atmosphere), but nonetheless, if you want to learn more about the upcoming DC Streaming service, please visit articles on the topic at the following locations...

... and of course you can visit more via Google.  We'll back to grinding - see you in-world!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Other-worlds: The Venture Brothers Season 7 premieres on August 5th!

A bit disappointed that there were no bonuses this weekend - just regular grind in-world.  Thus, I'm back on the blog, working to catch up a bit.  Working on a few angles (aside from the perennial loadout posts), and one of those is "Other-worlds" - notable super-hero-esque/ish worlds that aren't necessarily from the DC Universe.  One of my favorites is the Venture Brothers, which will be starting their Seventh season this Sunday night on Adult Swim!

If you're unfamiliar with the Venture Brothers, its essence is kind of a... discordant Johnny Quest, if Johnny grew up to be a terrible "super-scientist" instead of an amazing one, like his father... but that in itself is a crazy story.  Mind you, its on Adult Swim, so there's a lot that isn't quite politically correct - but frankly hilarious.  I've added the synopsis for the first four seasons above, just in case you need a catchup - but there are, of course, two more seasons after that.

Season 7 header (in a NYC subway...)

From the machinations of the League of Calamitous Intent, to analysis of how heroes and villains arch, to well... a ton of stuff, the Venture Brothers is easily one of the best super-hero shows around!  If you go to the Adult Swim website, you can catch some full episodes, and clips of other episodes, so don't wait around... go now - you won't regret it!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Poison Ivy & a Nature DPS Loadout

Today's loadout is a DPS Nature loadout... have to admit I haven't used the nature powerset before, so I'm not familiar with it, but it is a classic healer choice, so seemed like a good post!  See you in-world!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Starfire, and more on augments!

Just in case you're looking for a bit more on augments, I found a video by Dackman, which provides an excellent analysis on the topic.  I know, it's kinda overkill by now, but just in case you want to know more...

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Bonus Catalyst Weekend, and Electrical Healer loadout, and... the new Shazam Trailer!

Hello again!  My apologies for the recent lack of updates - pesky rl issues!  This being said, we are in the midsts of the Bonus Catalyst Weekend, which frankly... seems a bit mundane.  Nonetheless, get your catalysts for augments, etc... while they last (I guess).  Bigger news (imo) is that the new Shazam! trailer dropped during ComiCon, and it actually look really good (see below)...

When I first learned of the Shazam! movie, I immediately thought, "Ugh, this is going to be soooo lame".  However, it has a more upbeat tone that the recent DCU fare, and I expect it'll do well, if the humor embedded it is is any indicator.  This being said, I figured I'd also include a brief Electric Healer loadout as well...

I'm not much into healer toons, but until recently it seems that the electrical power set has been pretty popular, and as its always a good idea to have an idea how to play your backup role (in addition to DPS), Mr. Greg Deluca has kindly provide a brief loadout to assist - see you in-world!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Super Lois, and the end of the Summer Event!

A quick note - the Summer Event is coming to an end on Wednesday, July 25th, 2018 (e.g. tomorrow)!  Be sure you get all of your Tiki items and/or gear before it's gone for another year!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The new Aquaman trailer is here, and a Water DPS loadout as well...

As if there wasn't sufficient reason to consider eyeing the water powerset, with Atlantis just a few months away, but the new Aquaman trailer dropped yesterday, and it looks amazing!  I was wondering if it would have the depressing and overused "edgy and dark" DC trope so many DC movies have, but... it doesn't.  Looks like a good superhero flick... so take a gander below at it - see you in-world!

(For the heck of it, I've also added a Water DPS loadout below as well - just one more enticement to migrate your power set!)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

DCUO Atlantis - Episode 33, coming this November!

Concept art from Episode 33 - Atlantis (work in progress)

Announced at the San Diego Comi-Con (just yesterday), the newest DCUO Episode (33) will take place in Atlantis.  It's projected to arrive in November, so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the Teen Titans: Judas Contract, before DCUO: Atlantis arrives!  For (a few) more details, please follow this link.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Teen Titans: Judas Contract!

The Teen Titans: Judas Contract dropped today, so there may be a bit of lag with blog entires as I'll be spending more time in-world with the new episode and trying to figure out the new augments system.  Until then - see you in-world!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sorcery DPS Loadout

Raven (DC) by SmirkoO

While the wait continues for the Teen Titans: The Judas Contract to drop (still, the best info is Wednesday, the 18th of July - bottom of the link), I've added a Sorcery loadout for those healers who may want a different perspective on their current DPS loadout - see you in-world!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Teen Titans (by Adam Hughes) and an in-depth review of the new Augment Modding System

With the new augment system just around the corner, I figured I'd post a small tutorial about that.  Seems a bit frustrating all of the "old" gear modding will be for nought, but the augments are supposed to be an improvement.  Only time will tell, so if you wish to learn more about the augments, please take a gander below!

[NOTE: If you wish to see your toon pictured on the league header, please send a photo (or two) to: , ideally in their iconic appearance, and I'll be more than happy to add them!] 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Bonus Atlantean Crowns, from Thursday, July 12th, through Sunday, July 15th! (and more re: The Teen Titans)!

A quick post to remind everyone this weekend, starting Thursday, 12JULY18, through Sunday, 15JULY18, it will be "bonus Atlantean Crowns" for everyone!  A nice respite from the drudgery from griding (although I suppose this is just more grinding), and an opportunity to load up on higher level equipment before the Teen Titans: Judas Contract (and the augments) land on Wednesday, 18JULY18.  Posted the Live Stream replay below, which highlights the new Red Robin suit (imo, meh), Cyborg's armor (hell, yeah), some information on augments, and tour of the Titan's Tower (about minute 34-ish).  See you in-world!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

DCUO Test: The Teen Titans "The Machine" eight man raid first look!

My first image by Mr. Nebezial, a legendary DA artist of superheroes (and a few other generes)!  Posting in accord with the first video of the test of the Titans eight-man raid (The Machine), which is located below.  Its a bit long, and the narrative/analysis is pretty in-depth (but useful), but at least you'll have an idea of what awaits - do enjoy!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Join our Villainous sister league!

Have a yen for living the villainous side of live?  Tired of wanna-be bad guys on the hero side taking aimless smack?  Come join the Villainous side of live, and join the LegionofD0mm!  For an invite, please contact Shay or Katar for more information!  

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (Jeffach) and a Sorcery DPS loadout!

Hello!!!  Today's highlighted loadout is for Sorcery - which is appears to be one of the OP (over powered) skill sets.  For those who are not familar with the terminology and/or background, DCUO seems to enjoy "tweaking" some powers, under the premise of "balancing" them.  However, they end up making some power sets stronger than others.  Currently, Sorcery looks like its the overpowered power, soo... if you have (or are migrating to) Sorcery, here's a suggested loadout for maximum damage!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Nightwing Young Justice (cosplay) and Mental DPS/Controller loadout (2018)

I generally try to match the image to the individual image to the highlighted power set, but unfortuantly I've already posted on Gadgets and Munition loadouts, so I decided to add this excellent Nightwing Cosplay image to a Mental DPS & Controller loadout.  Not a powerset I've used, so I'll have to depend upon ObsidianChill once again, but his loadouts seem to be reference quite a bit!  See you in-world!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Supergirl (Jeffach) and a Rage DPS melee loadout!

Hello again!  Today's loadout is a Rage DPS loadout by Mr. Greg Deluca, as I attempt to cover the remaining Tanking loadouts.  That being said, I haven't seen as many Rage toons around - you may see a few here and there (imo), but I don't think this particular power set is as popular as it once was.  Nonetheless, figured as Supergirl is today's artistic focus, I'd go ahead and post a bit on a Rage melee loadout - see you in-world!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

More about the JLL blog, and why you should visit!

When superheros party at the bar...

So, if you're a member of the Justice League Legends (JLL), you might ask... why should I visit the blog?  Well, a few reasons - some already here, some to come soon.  To start:

1) DCUO Links - I'm working on providing useful links to DCUO sites and streams, including videos about power loadouts and other news.  Some links are of more use than others, but I'd like to think some posts will be useful to all.  As time progresses, I'll work on adding other general DCUO-related sites as well

2) A central location for JLL members to catch up about league goings-on - Ideally it will be a place where updates from in-world can be found - both DCUO and for the league.  I'll do my best to keep any new events posted, so one doesn't have to go in-world for the latest league updates / information.

3) Other Meta news and sites - My primary focus will logically be on DC-related sites (there are plenty of Marvel Comic Universe (MCU) sites, but I will include some non-"big two" (DC & MCU) sites as well).  As I (generally) prefer a more humorous side of the genre, I'll post some topics akin to that as well (more to come later).

"That's all nice, but will that be it?"  Nope, though I'm still working out some quirks with the blog (e.g. header reworks, palate selection, SEO tweaking, etc....).  However, in the immediate future, I intend to work on a few more parts of the blog that'll apply to the league itself, including:

1) Hero Spotlights - One of the notable aspects of the Justice League Legends is that it's targeted toward "Iconic" characters.  Members of the league put a good amount of work to have their toon reflect the DC character they represent (e.g. I make a point of doing my best to have Blue Devil match the comic version of Blue Devil).  If you'd like to display your hard work on your toon posted on the blog, just send a few (1-3 pictures) to, and I'll make a point of posting your toon!  (Note: I generally post on the blog every other day, depending upon my RL work schedule.)

2) Hideout Highlights - The same goes for your hideout.  In fact, a good hideout likely takes more time to get "just right", so why not display it to the greater world?  If you'd like to have your hideout (or "evil lair", to paraphrase Dr. Evil) displayed, please just send a few images (2-4 pictures) to, a couple of notes about it, and I'll be happy to post your work for all to admire!

3) Header additions - As you can see from the current (and very unappealing) header, I'm in the process of updating it to something more appropriate for the league... ideally with JLL member photos!  If you'd like your toon's photo added to the JLL blog header, send me a photo / head-shot to, and I'll work towards adding your toon to the header!

That's it for now... back to grinding and PS work!  If you have a question or comment, please feel free to leave a blog comment, email me a note, or just send me mail in-world!  See you there!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Zatanna 1964, and Mental DPS & Controller loadout!

As one can see, I'm in the midst of redesigning a few things on the blog (specifically the header, at the moment), so whilst I'm in the middle of re-design, I figured I'd not only post a sample of Mr. RuizBurgos' outstanding retro-magazine artwork, but also post an excellent (and current) Mental DPS & controller load out!  Please do enjoy - I'll see you in-world (those season event sand-dollars won't earn themselves!)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Supergirl, and Atomic DPS Loadout (mid-ranged and ranged)

Today's featured loadout is for Atomic DPS (mid-ranged and ranged) by Mr. Vagrant!  I've recently been working with an atomic toon, and its only useful to have both a melee loadout as well as ranged loadout.  I'd think this is applicable no matter your combat preference.  I really enjoy battle tanking and melee combat, but if you're facing a boss like the big Starro or Doomsday, your survivability will be minimal if you melee, especially if you are in a DPS loadout.  Thus, having a ranged capability of some sort is always a good option to have.  Well, back to the summer event - see you in-world!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Justice Magazine - Harley Quinn and Munitions DPS/Controller loadout

Continuing with loadout descriptions, it seems (via the DCUO Forums) that munitions is currently one of the more popular powers, as the nerf for distance has been removed.  Essentially, you'll be able to inflict as much damage from a distance (ranged) as you can up-close (melee).  Thus, ranged powers *seem* to be more popular, and one can't but like a plethora of munitions!  Thus, the Munitions power DPS and Controller loadout by Mr. ObsidianChill is listed below - see you in-world!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Batman v. Deathstroke battle

Reaching back into the past with one of my favorite videos, the "Batman vs Deathstroke" fight is probably the best CGI combat I've seen, and figured I'd take a moment to post it here (again - it was on the old blog as well).  Do enjoy!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Justice Magazine - Bat Girl & Gadget Weapons Expert DPS Loadout

The summer quickly approaching, I may have some limited windows associated with my blogging time. However, I am taking a page out of the past and posting some outstanding examples of "super" artwork I've come across in the past.  One excellent artist is Mr. Stanley Lau, (aka Artgerm), who creates amazing metahuman work with his exceptional talent!  A series of his that I particularly enjoy is the "Justice Mag" series, with tasteful renderings of super-heroines as part of magazine covers.  I'll post the rest during this month, but do make a point of visiting his DeviantArt website here!

As I've posted a gadget expert above, a Gadget DPS loadout would seem to be appropriate!  Thus, Mr. OG Mentor's loadout is posted above - see you in-world!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Summer Event, Tides of War, has started!

Woot! Woot!  The summer event (and my personal favorite event), the Tides of War, started yesterday, and runs through almost the entire month of July as well!  I outlined the the base items and style on this blog entry, and I will be following up with a new feature focusing on member's hideouts, but for now, I'm going to be living in world to "beach-up" Blue's bar!  See you in-world!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

DC Superhero City Locations!

Unlike the Marvel universe, the DC universe uses "alternate" names for many of their major cities (e.g. Metropolis, Gotham, etc...).  As a kid I always wondered what was where, so... I was able to locate a map that lists excatly that (well, for the most part).  The map above is one of the more recent maps, but the map below has more detail, though it is a bit dated (from way back to 1990).  Nonetheless, its pretty intriguing to find out where things are at - and who is where.  I've added a few more links about narratives of some of the major cities - do enjoy!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Justice Magazine - SuperGirl and the complete tank specs for 2018 (circa May, 2018)

Just posting a "holding graphic" today, from the outstanding "Justice Magazine" series by Artgerm.  There will be more to come, but I like the series as I'd expect that if Metas were "real world", they would change their attire quite frequently, especially the ladies.  I realize the comics use the "usual" costumes for ease of drawing and character recognition, but still - some variation (and perhaps something a tad more fashionable and / or combat-efficient would be nice).

While I'm highlighting one of DC comic's best known tanks above, I figured I'd add a exceptionally comprehensive guide to tanking by Mr. ObsidianChillDCUO.  As mentioned previously, he has some very good analysis of distribution and use of DCUO powers, and the above video covers the five tanking power-sets.  Please do watch it for more Tanking guidance, and for more of his videos, please do visit his YouTube channel, located at:

Saturday, June 16, 2018

"Best Quantum DPS and Controller" loadout, and Teen Titans Raven!

I recall part of a chat while in-world asking for a good DPS rotation for Quantum, so I figured I'd post the latest Quantum DPS loadout, which also includes a good controller loadout as well.  You may note there are a plethora of DCUO YouTubers, but Obsidian Chill is by far one of my favorites for his direct analysis of damage inflection and power use, as well as logical explinations for his use of powers and rotations.  As such, back to the triple-crown weekend grind - see you in-world!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Triple Atlantean Crowns and new Deluge vendor items this weekend (Thursday, June 14th, 2018, through Sunday, June 17th, 2018)

Looks like its time to focus back on the Deluge event!  This weekend will provide triple Atlantean crowns.  Additionally, a few items (e.g. unique auras, a henchmen uplink device, pet/trinket) have been added to the Deluge vendor (and some are actually worth some SP), so there's that as well.  For more details, please head over to the DCUO Forums, located here!

Examples of the Urchin aura, Rainbow Current aura, and the White Solar aura

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Summer Event 2018 - New Base Items & Hula Style!

Starfire enjoying the beach

My favorite event of the year is quickly approaching - the Summer Event!  This year looks particularly promising, based on the base items and style available starting July 20th, 2018.

Aside from being a huge Tiki fan, this year has a bunch of new nice items, such as the bamboo dividers and fire pit.  The dancing parrot is, needless to say, a must have!

Most of the time I'm not overly impressed with the event styles, but I'm thinking this event will be a "must have" item - a lei, hula skirt, wrist flora... well, not that many items to collect, but nonetheless, a great look.  Make sure you take advantage of this year's event!  For more pictures and discussion of the summer event, please visit the Summer 2018 event thread on the forums - see you in world!

Monday, June 11, 2018

DCUO Basics: How to shift phases

One frustrating thing for new people playing DCUO is figuring out some of the small things that many of the main "how-to" guides tend to overlook.  One these is how to phase to a different server in the DCUO - it's really easy to do, and will allow you to shift on a moment's notice to join groups.  If there is some group you wish to join but is in another phases (e.g. fighting big bosses such as in the Deluge event (the giant Starro), or Doomsday), or just someone you wish to phase with, then to phase, just:

1) Choose "F4" (Social Menu)
2) Scroll down to "Recent Text"
3) Choose the name of the person you wish to phase with (who recently texted)
4) You'll get the option "Phase with"... choose this
5) Your screen will blank for a few seconds, then... you'll be in the phase of the group / person you wanted to join

That's it!  It may seem like a small thing, but if you don't know how to do it, you don't know how to do it.  With the "Deluge" (Starro) and "Death of Superman" (Doomsday) events in full swing, there will be plenty of requests to phase where the big damned Starfish is hanging out in Central City or to kill DD 100 times (both are skill point events), so you'll be ready - until next time!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The *Real* Hall of Justice!

Always wondered why the Justice League "Hall of Justice" isn't in the DCUO.  One would figure that there would be some kind of nod to it.  The default (the Watchtower) works well, but still, it'd be nice to see the HOJ!  One can hope - it would be a great place for some team combat!  Thanks to Mr. Anongamer for his re-colorization efforts!

(Interesting note - per Anongamer's note, the HOJ was based on a real location - the Union Terminal in Cincinnati... the more you know...!  Seriously, more pictures of the real location are below)

 Another view of the Union Terminal (during daylight hours)

Inside the terminal

Another view of the interior

A really nice bar at the Union Terminal 
(Why isn't there a bar in the Watchtower?  You'd figure there'd be plenty of after battle drinking binges... and just regular drinking!)

Really nice shot of the Union Terminal at Dusk

Finally, a night picture of the Union Terminal - beautiful!

So, there you are!  The "Hall of Justice" wasn't just a quick doodle for a cartoon, but a real place!  Next - finding the lost map of the DC "US" cities!

Another variation of the Hall of Justice.... and the original Super Friends version below - see you in world!

Initial First Post, and Wonder Woman Selfie!

Testing out formatting, color patina, and other things related to blog design and seo (search engine optimization / google stuff).  Thus, I'm adding a test post - for image formatting... and a nice "selfie" by WW!